Sustainable and environmentally conscious wood from architects

Platowood adds value to wood. Through a unique process using only heat and water, partly from residual flows, we preserve fast-growing types of wood that naturally have a short lifespan. The excellent, dimensionally stable, and aesthetic qualities that the wood takes on in this way, offer architects complete freedom of design.

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Ebbingehof, Groningen

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Wood types

Platowood has three types of wood: Fraké, Spruce and Poplar. We only use fast-growing wood that comes from certified forests. Our wood can be applied without finishing work, it will then age naturally. Would you rather have a (color) finish? We offer various options, including our Bio FireProtect: an organic and non-toxic fire retardant based on 100% natural ingredients.

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On this page you will find various projects realized with wood from Platowood.

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